6 Ways Care Apps Improve Senior Care Provision

6 Ways Care Apps Improve Senior Care Provision

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October 3, 2024
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Care Apps are Enhancing Senior Care Provision

On the fence about going digital for care management? Trying to convince hesitant staff that they should embrace the change of technology? Wanting to evidence that care apps improve senior care provision to your board? Care management software and apps are making big moves in the senior care market. If you are seeking a few pointers to keep in your pocket, look no further. Here are 6 ways care apps improve senior care provision:

Care Apps Improve Engagement

Apps are inherently interactive and their design is user-friendly. This makes them easy to engage with. With apps, seniors can work alongside a carer (if they require support) to potentially take and upload photos and videos, create and listen to playlists, build up personal profiles, and play games. Some apps can even help to carry out reminiscence therapy for seniors with dementia.

Care Apps Improve Reporting

What once would have taken hours upon hours of collating enormous spreadsheets can now be done in seconds. Using apps, in-depth and overarching analytics are at your fingertips instantly. Apps that track important data points help management make informed decisions about care provision based off of real statistics regarding their facility.

Care Apps Improve Efficiency

Quickly documenting something on a tablet as you go about your work is easier and more efficient than going to a designated place to pull out a client file, find the page you need, and then write something up. Therefore, care staff are more likely to refer to and complete necessary paperwork. StoriiCare clients report saving 1-2 hours per day on paperwork, freeing them up to spend that time with residents.

Apps help care settings impress prospective residents and future-proof their care processes. While current technology might be foreign or intimidating to some seniors, for their families and the next generation requiring care, it is perfectly normal. The transition is anticipated, so it isn’t so much a matter of if, but when a care setting will upgrade to a more efficient way of planning and managing care.

Care Apps Improve Connection

Some care apps have the ability for care staff and residents to connect with resident families. For example, StoriiCare has a designated family app called Storii, where family members can see what activities their loved one is participating in real time, view photos or videos uploaded by care staff, see the community's calendar and sign up to attend events. Families can also share photos with their loved one or create playlists for them. When families upload photos of a resident’s life, care staff have the opportunity to get to know their client more. It can provide them with things to talk about and create opportunities for connection both ways.

Care Apps Improve Security

People often worry about the security of personal or sensitive information when it comes to technology. The reality is that paper documentation is far less protected. Someone could lose or accidentally put them in the wrong person's file. A flood or fire could damage them. Wandering eyes could see files left out on a desk.  If there are no additional hard copies of lost or damaged files, they could be entirely irreplaceable.

Most apps have unlimited storage and automatically backup all your data so that nothing is ever permanently lost. Care apps will have users who can securely view and edit data in order to provide care services. Sometimes they may need to access hosted data to provide client support. Secure access is provided by authenticated access through the application. You will want to ensure any apps you use are fully compliant with your country’s data protection regulations.

Care Apps Improve Accountability

Care apps with the functionality to set tasks and reminders help keep staff accountable to following through with their duties. This results in more successful outcomes and quality care for the seniors they serve. Additionally, when management can quickly view staff actions on an app they get a better idea of who might be struggling to complete their work.

Want to see a care app for nursing homes in action?

Book a demo and a StoriiCare Specialist will give you a live, guided tour of our platform.

A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman