daycare CENTERS

Modern Daycare
Management Software

StoriiCare's Daycare Management features empower Daycare centers with real-time insights to help make informed decisions and improve Child Daycare. The EHR (Electronic Health Records) platform can improve the quality of service on enterprise level and also be a great acquisition for small businesses.

Schedule and Record Attendance & Lessons with StoriiCare

Adult day care providers across the country are making the transition from paper-based systems to digital operations. StoriiCare's all-in-one cloud-based care management platform was designed with adult day care in mind. Our features cover social, medical, and memory care models of adult day services. Providers can manage schedules, transport, attendance, activities, family communications,
support plans, and more...all from one place.
Adult Day Activity Participants
My Care Plans

Introducing: Virtual Programs for Adult Day Care!

StoriiCare's modern, easy-to-use software is designed to help Daycare providers:

  • Save Time

    Our clients report that StoriiCare has helped them reduce paperwork by 1-2 hours per day. That's valuable time you get back in your day!

  • Improve Child Care

    Every child has their own personal profile equipped with their preferences. StoriiCare enhances person-centered care provision for all types of care.

  • Reduce costs

    Kiss those spreadsheets goodbye. In-depth analytics are automatically generated for you. View the data points that matter most to you and allow them to inform your decision-making. You can also use these reports when applying for grant funding.

Wheelchair Adult Day Activities Karate

Daycare Register

  • Sign children in and out with one-click

  • Group children in custom groups for easy filtering

  • Export registry logs for invoicing and billing

Participant List Adult Day


  • Easily view and edit daycare attendance schedules

  • Easily view and edit childcare transport schedules

  • Transport app for drivers coming soon

Activity Participant Engagement Levels


  • Create custom calendars

  • Use our activities database for planning

  • Take attendance directly from the calendar

  • Print calendars, share them digitally, or showcase them with our Digital Signage

Adult Day Care Activity Calendars

Care Planning

  • Populate and maintain your plan of care for all participants and different types of care services

  • Customize your plan of care template to suit your business and requirements

  • Set outcomes and goals tied to care plans

Adult Day Care Care Plans

Student/Child Records

  • Store all record data points in one, easily accessible and editable cloud-based location

  • Run analytics on all data points within your student database

  • Import student data to save input time

Adult Day Participation History

Billing Exports

  • Export both scheduled and recorded daycare attendance for billing purposes

  • Apply units of service

  • Import into Quickbooks or other billing software

Document Store


  • Easily assign, view, and complete tasks for each student

  • View all tasks assigned to you

  • Set up recurring center tasks

  • Set task reminders for future assessments

Adult Day Care Features


  • Export, print, and share analytics

  • Set up recurring email reports

  • Group analytics and login available for multi-site management

Adult Day Care Analytics

Storii Family App

  • Share photos + videos, messages and community announcements with connected family members

  • Enable family members to sign up to events

  • Family members can collaborate on their child's profile

StoriiCare Profile View

Don't just take our word for it

Explore more testimonials
Client´s profile picture
Gemma Mitchell
Senior Support Worker
"Some of our service users don’t have the ability to tell their families what it is they’ve been doing, or they might forget. We've had really good feedback from families who are delighted they can log in to Storii and see that information. It helps us massively to build up good rapport with families."
Client´s profile picture
Maria Nicolacoudis
Executive Director
"StoriiCare has the best customer service we have ever experienced. It provides us with the ability to keep track of our clients, and communicate with client families. StoriiCare definitely saves us a lot of time."
Client´s profile picture
Patricia McCreary
Founder & CEO
"StoriiCare makes it effortless to keep everything in once place and communicate with our participants and loved ones. We had several programs that we built to run our Adult Day Care and store information. StoriiCare is now our one stop shop for EVERYTHING! I only wish I would have know about them from day one of opening our business."