A KLOE Guide: Improve Your CQC Rating With StoriiCare
Taylor Vander Well

A KLOE Guide: Improve Your CQC Rating With StoriiCare

Posted on
October 3, 2024
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How to Improve Your CQC Rating

Every care provider wants to achieve an ‘Overall Good’, let alone ‘Outstanding’ rating from the CQC. It’s no secret that the care sector is facing difficult times, struggling to retain workers and keep care homes open. While it can be a challenge to maintain high KLOE standards when resources are stretched thin, it is absolutely imperative and in everyone’s best interest that care providers invest thought and action into obtaining an adequate rating from the care inspectorate. 

When carrying out an inspection, the CQC refers to their Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE). The CQC has reported that they, “...use these questions when making decisions about registering providers; as a framework for our use of data, evidence and information in our surveillance of services; and in our guidance, inspections, ratings and published inspection reports.”

What are the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE)?

The following KLOE questions help the care inspectorate determine whether a provider is in compliance with the high standard of service that is expected of them. 

Is your service:

Safe? Service users, staff and visitors are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.

Effective? People’s care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is evidence-based where possible.

Caring? Staff involve and treat people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.

Responsive? Services are organised so that they meet people’s needs.

Well-led? Leadership, management and governance of the organisation assures the delivery of high-quality person-centred care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture.

What is StoriiCare?

List of Care Management features

StoriiCare is a care management and activity recording software that helps adult care providers demonstrate compliance with each KLOE effectively. 

StoriiCare has been proven to help care providers:

...by providing a platform for innovative, progressive, person-centred care!

Moreover, as the fastest-growing care management software provider in the UK, we help care homes improve their CQC grade and reach top ratings. 

How does StoriiCare help care providers meet CQC guidelines?

An electronic care planning system not only helps staff deliver better care, but makes it easy for providers to adhere to CQC guidance, regulations, and feedback. To simplify, we’ve outlined the KLOE below and demonstrated how StoriiCare helps meet each standard. 


  • Because our care management platform creates an automatic and instant audit trail, it allows senior care providers to demonstrate, when, where and how care was provided, helping them to evidence safer care provision.
  • StoriiCare allows you to instantly access and carry out risk assessments and incident/accident reports. Anytime an incident/accident report is created, it flags for management review and comment. The implementation of care management technology demonstrates responsibility and an effort to learn and make improvements. 


  • StoriiCare frees up providers to spend more time caring for their service users by reducing the amount of time spent on administrative tasks. One of our senior care clients reported that since implementing StoriiCare, staff spent 1-2 hours less per day on paperwork. 
  •  Our clients can submit feature requests and bug reports and Live Chat with our support team. Additionally, they can view our Product Roadmap to see what features are planned, in progress, and recently completed. We take client feedback very seriously and are constantly improving and updating our software so that staff can provide the best care possible.
  • With StoriiCare, providers can be proactive about involving families in their loved one’s care and day-to-day life. Connected relatives can see what activities their loved one has participated in and any photos staff have posted. Additionally, families can collaborate with staff to create personal playlists, life stories, photo albums and significant locations, offering a high-level of person-centred care. StoriiCare allows staff and families to work closely together to understand what is important to their loved one.


  • Our care planning system tracks data points that matter. This means senior care management can generate and view in-depth analytics in seconds. These insights allow care providers to respond and make decisions more effectively. 
  • With StoriiCare, users can send instant message alert notifications to the Staff Noticeboard. This allows management to actively monitor and respond to critical issues requiring staff focus.
  • Rather than combing through files to find information a resident, staff can quickly and easily collaborate and access goals, progress notes, assessments, outcomes, tasks, care plans, user’s beliefs, interests, needs, etc. all from one place!


  • Having comprehensive documentation on an individual’s needs, goals and requirements right at your fingertips helps staff provide the most effective care possible.
  • Low staff turnover benefits the standards of care. Willingness to acquire an innovative care management software like StoriiCare demonstrates your values. It evidences that you care about iyour staff’s work experience and seek to enhance both their satisfaction and their ability to deliver gold-standard, person-centred care.


  • Implementing an electronic care planning system empowers senior care staff to provide better, more person-centred care. The increased level of information that providers have at their disposal allows them to make more informed decisions.
  • The ability to quickly document and access all of the information on StoriiCare instantly is a fantastic asset to any senior care provider. Perhaps the most valuable part of this is the ability to generate and export customised reports in seconds. This helps significantly during inspections where one might be asked to present a series of information they don’t typically access. Additionally, it demonstrates a focus on quality assurance.
Activity Analytics

If you are a care provider…

Already using StoriiCare? Fantastic! Be sure to bookmark this blog and refer to it when the care inspectorate directly asks how StoriiCare helps with your standards. 

Considering making the switch to electronic care planning? Schedule a demo of our software. See for yourself what a difference it can make to the quality of care you provide.

A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman