12 Reasons to Kiss Paper-Based Recording Goodbye

12 Reasons to Kiss Paper-Based Recording Goodbye

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When StoriiCare started out, our goal was to set the gold standard for person-centred software. We knew that in order to make the switch from paper-based recording to electronic care management, our system would need to be intuitive, understandable and easy to navigate for care staff. Otherwise, the transition would lose  its effectiveness and providers would fail to see a return on their investment. Therefore, we worked closely with our residential care clients and listened to their feedback as we developed our care management software. It’s been exciting to see StoriiCare grow over the years, making its way to care providers across 4 continents and 7 countries. We now serve adult day services, housing associations, home care providers, and assisted living facilities across the globe.

The reasons for care providers to embark on a digital transformation journey are more relevant today than ever before. Here are our top twelve reasons why you should kiss paper-based recording goodbye and implement care management software. 

HIPAA/GDPR compliance made easy

It’s not uncommon to hear concerns about data privacy and security. However, digital care management systems are very secure and generally pose less risks than paper-based record keeping. StoriiCare’s system is GDPR and HIPAA-compliant. Additionally, we’re SOC 2 compliant (SOC 2 is an auditing procedure that ensures our service securely manages your data to protect the interests of your company and the privacy of your service users). We’re committed to staying up to date with the latest regulations to ensure we’re delivering the highest quality system that will meet industry standards and security requirements.

Consolidated information increases efficiency

When you record and save information, it gets stored against your resident or service user. All assessments, notes, documents, tasks, outcomes, measurements, schedules, etc. are in one place. There’s no filing through binders and folders to find the right document. There’s no going in and out of different systems to ensure you’re saving things to the correct place. There’s no illegible handwriting that’s hard to decipher. Staff can find out everything they need to know about a resident or service user in easy-to-access dedicated features with a few clicks of a button.

Access to analytics and reporting

Manual entry into spreadsheets, calculating data, generating written reports, etc. takes a lot of time and effort. With StoriiCare, you instantly have access to dozens of automated reports that can be used for grants and funding proposals, evidencing information to regulatory bodies or families, and making data-driven decisions for your organization. Care providers are privy to information they’ve never had before at their fingertips. That data is invaluable and can contribute to significant improvements in care provided.

Reduces waste and cuts supply costs

Over the course of a year, the cost of supplies like staplers, printing paper, printing ink, sticky notes, binders, folders, etc. add up. They also create unnecessary waste and the time it takes to do inventory, order more supplies, shred the confidential waste, and restock supplies could be saved and used elsewhere. Care providers are experiencing more and more pressure to reduce their waste and lower their carbon footprints in order to help the environment. Using care management software is a quick way to help you achieve any goals of becoming a more environmentally friendly workplace. 

Enables instant collaboration

Any action taken on StoriiCare is visible in real time and live updates are always accessible. This means staff always have the latest information about a resident or service user and can provide the best point-of-care service. With features like Messaging and Staff Noticeboard, teams can easily communicate and collaborate across the platform. With StoriiCare in staff pockets or workstations, there’s no need for management to gather everyone in the same room or interrupt someone’s workday to relay important or delegate tasks. 

Frees up space

In a case study interview, one of our clients said that an unexpected benefit to having StoriiCare was that their staff break room was clutter-free and a much more relaxing environment to be in. There were no more charts stacked on tables and file cabinets taking up storage space. You may not think about it, but physical copies of care plans, assessments, resident charts, etc. can take up entire rooms. Once all that information is converted digitally and securely saved, that space can be freed up and used for something new.

Saves time

In 2018 a client feedback study, we found that on average, StoriiCare clients saved 6 hours of paperwork per week, per employee. That extra time gained was spent caring for residents or service users. We find that when prospective clients come to us for a demo, one of the most common motivations for going digital is reducing time-consuming tasks. Using a care management system eliminates certain tasks and steps that make care planning more efficient and the accessibility of information more streamlined. There’s really no need for staff to be doing paperwork over their lunch breaks or after their shift is up. 

Ensures you stay relevant and marketable

You may not be in a place financially or otherwise to consider implementing care management software and that’s fine. However, every business under the sun is digitising their operations in some way.  The longer you hold off on making the switch, the sooner you may fall behind in the market. Prospective residents and their families will soon expect that your care community has an app, Facebook group or family portal that allows them to stay updated on their loved one from their phone or computer. It is becoming common for people to associate digital with ‘progressive’, ‘innovative’, ‘state of the art’, etc. 

Increases accountability

With StoriiCare, management can view staff analytics and access an instant overview of everything that is being recorded on the system. From the management dashboard they can see flagged notes, overdue tasks and outcomes, outstanding incident and accident reports, etc. This level of instant insight and follow up simply isn’t possible with a paper-based system. 

Supports remote working

For home care providers, StoriiCare has a dedicated app that works offline and syncs back up with the system once there is a WiFi or cellular connection. Additionally, management can log in to StoriiCare from home and access information anytime they need without having to physically go or call in to the office to find information they need to report to a hospital or doctor. A digital care management system certainly makes it easy for people to effectively manage their staff if  they need to work from home or on the go for any reason. 

Instant alerts ensures appropriate follow up

Imagine being able to set up workflows so that when ‘A’ happens, it triggers ‘B’. For example, when an Incident or Accident report is completed, these three people receive an email. Or, when a resident’s blood pressure falls below this number, this person gets a push notification. This kind of instant update works to ensure better care and quicker follow ups. 

Builds rapport with families

StoriiCare has a dedicated family portal and app that connects family and friends to their loved one in care. Furthermore, residents or service users themselves can create an account and contribute to their secure, online profile. They’ll have access to community updates, messages from staff, and be able to see events and activities their loved one participated in. Additionally, they can view and contribute to photo and video albums, create music playlists, respond to Life Story questions, and RSVP to events. This goes a long way to quickly building rapport with families and bringing them peace of mind.

Ready to go digital?

If you provide care and support services, please schedule in a demo with one of our friendly team members. We'd be delighted to hear more about your business and find out if StoriiCare is the right fit for what you want to achieve.

A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman