COVID 19 - What should we do now in care homes?

COVID 19 - What should we do now in care homes?

Posted on
October 3, 2024
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Care Homes & COVID-19

Care homes across the UK are in crisis mode. A National Care Association (NCA) survey of over 200 care providers found that 4 out of 5 care homes fear going out of business due to the impact of coronavirus. Additionally, two-thirds of responders reported they had received no notification of additional funding from their local authority to meet the extraordinary costs of the coronavirus (homes facing an average 323% increase in PPE spending during the crisis). There is no doubt that the stresses and strains care providers are facing will force the sector to think and act quickly to safeguard those they care for and employ. 

When all is said and done, no one knows what toll this pandemic will have taken on the residential care sector. It is imperative that, where possible, owners and managers write up and execute action plans. Furthermore, they should record their decision-making processes throughout the crisis. They will need to show why they took the actions they did, under what circumstances, and with what guidance.

The CQC and Care Inspectorate have suspended inspections during this time. However, they will eventually be carrying on with their work again. When it is safe and appropriate, they will be looking to see how each care community has responded to this crisis. How are you going to evidence that you have kept staff and residents safe? Are you able to demonstrate that you were effective in your planning, your responsiveness, and your leadership? How will you show that you were forward-thinking in terms of handling communication with your team and resident families?

Perhaps now, more than ever, implementing a digital care management system is a necessary step in the right direction.

Here’s why now is the time to digitise your care processes:

  • Implementing a care management platform like StoriiCare signals to regulatory bodies, staff, residents, families and prospective clients that you are taking action steps to run and grow your business within this ‘new normal’.
  • StoriiCare enables you to quickly and effectively mass communicate, maintain contact, share important information, and implement policy changes from a distance.
  • We offer online onboarding and e-learning opportunities for existing staff and new recruits.
  • Our Storii Family App gives resident families peace of mind. It enables them to engage with their loved one in care from afar.
  • StoriiCare’s cloud-based platform makes finding and exporting information for the care inspectorate incredibly quick and easy.
  • Switching from a paper-based system to a digital workflow reduces time spent recording. Our clients report an average of 6 hours per week/per staff member of time saved on paperwork. Additionally, it reduces administrative costs. Time and money are always valuable, but especially in times of crisis.

Understandably, in times like these, ‘one day at a time’ is the mentality we hold. It is difficult to focus on the future when the present demands all of our attention. However, it is important to be mindful of the following:

The decisions you make now, and in the weeks ahead will have one of two outcomes. They will either help or hinder your ability to operate and grow beyond the crisis.

For many care providers, the need to make services more efficient, less paperwork heavy and more data-driven has always been there. The coronavirus pandemic has simply put a spotlight on it.

Take the next step:

If you’d like to speak with a StoriiCare advisor, book in time below. A member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.

A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman