StoriiCare Product Update #43 – November 2022

StoriiCare Product Update #43 – November 2022

Posted on
October 3, 2024
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Summary of Updates

  • Form Entires - Individual and Bulk CSV Exporting
  • Services Rounding Rules
  • New Calendar Export Options
  • Smaller Key Updates
  • StoriiCare Top Tips

➡ Form Entries -Individual and Bulk CSV Exporting

It's here! After multiple requests, clients are now able to export all past and future form entries in CSV format, in addition to our existing PDF exporting. This can be applied to individual form entries or bulk exports of hundreds or thousands or form entries where required.

Form entries can be exported via 2 ways:

1 - Via the Form Entries view (Best for individual or a small number of form entry exporting)

Click into the form entry view of a form via the 'Forms' feature. On the right hand side, select the 'Multi Select' text. This will display checkboxes next to each form entry, with the ability to either delete selected form entries or export them in CSV format via a clickable 'CSV' icon.

StoriiCare screenshot: Form Entry Multi Select View
Form Entry Multi Select View

2 - Via the 'Exports' Feature (Best for bulk exporting)

Click into the Exports feature via the Dashboard and click on the 'Forms' option.

StoriiCare screenshot: Form Entries Exporting
Form Entries Exporting

You will be presented with options to select the Form to export in addition to filters including Form Entry Fields (Columns), Service Users, Staff and a Date From and To filter.

StoriiCare screenshot: Bulk Form Entries Exporting
Bulk Form Entries Exporting

➡ Services Rounding Rules

Last month we introduced the StoriiCare Attendance Table Export, which can be directly connected to our Services feature, enabling automatic calculations of Service User or Staff billable hours. We know how important rounding for hours, minutes or in many cases seconds can be to generate highly accurate billing reports. That's why this week we have released custom rounding rules for the Services feature. Within all services, a rounding option will be visible that will allow for fine tweaking of the way rounding will apply for each Service. This can be particularly helpful for specific cases such as the Medicare 8 Minute rule, which does not follow a standard rounding pattern.

StoriiCare screenshot:Rounding within Services
Rounding within Services

As rounding can become complex in nature, we have provided the ability to experiment with configurable start and end dates and times. This provides the ability to view what kind of unit and charge output will be generated under the rounding rules you choose.

StoriiCare screenshot: Rounding Rules within a Service
Rounding Rules within a Service

Tip: Keep in mind that you can create different services with varying rounding rules and charges for the different services you offer or the varying funding sources you work with.

If you would like to book a training call to help you set up your Services feature, you can do so via our Support page.

➡ New Calendar Export options

There are now additional options to choose from when exporting calendar data.

  • You are now able to select specific days to be included (or excluded) in table calendar exports - e.g. You are closed on Saturday and Sunday and do not want those days to display.
  • You can now limit the number of events displayed within any given day on a calendar export, allowing a consistent font size where required.
  • You can now export in the 'List' view for weeks and months, instead of days only. (This can be used to provide Service Users with a step by step list of events by week or month, as opposed to only having a calendar view available for those time periods).
StoriiCare screenshot: New Calendar Export Options
New Calendar Export Options
Calendar PDF Export without Saturday and Sunday
Calendar PDF Export without Saturday and Sunday

➡ Smaller Key Updates

  • Connections CSV Export - You can now export a CSV list of all invited connections (both pending and accepted) to Storii Family via the Exports Feature. This is particularly helpful to view at a glance how many family members have accepted invites, and who are still to accept an invite to join Storii Family.
  • Activities filter in Completed Activities - We have added 2 new filter options within completed activities; the ability to filter by activity type and activity location.
  • RSVP Consistency Update - If an event is set to accept RSVP's, the button to do so is now simply labelled "RSVP" instead of "Attend".
  • Mobile Passport Toggle Options - You now have the ability to select the specific areas you would like to display within the mobile passport export. This is particularly useful if you simply wanted to export a list of an individual's active medication or recent actions only, instead of having to export all areas.
  • Recent actions and Completed activities Permission Update - Both of these areas on StoriiCare are now classed as features, and as such can now be hidden from StoriiCare or specifically be assigned to (or removed) from custom staff permission levels.
  • Visit Notes exporting - All visit notes can now be exported from the Notes export feature - select 'Visit Notes' in the Export by type dropdown.
  • Data by day export Updates - We have added 2 new toggles giving the ability to include Service User names within the Data by Day export, in addition to choosing whether your vital sign measurements are exported in Metric or Imperial units.
  • Filter by scheduled today - We have added a toggle in the top right of the Register feature that filters to only show those scheduled to attend on today's date.
  • Care Plan Exports Update - You can now toggle whether or not 'Visible to Staff Only' or 'Sensitive Information' fields within the Care Plan are included in Care Plan Exports.
  • Homecare Signature check mark - We've added a check box within the signature button on our Homecare app that indicates whether or not a signature has been recorded yet.
  • Bug Fixes - We've carried out a number of key bug fixes and speed improvements this month. Thank you to all clients that have reported any issues we may have not automatically detected!

➡ StoriiCare Top Tips

As the StoriiCare product suite expands, we want to take time in each Product Update to revisit existing features to remind clients of the value they offer. See today's Top Tips below:

- Staff Noticeboard! Management can post digital notices for all staff, and each staff member can record when they have read the notice by clicking the orange 'tick' button. New and unread notices will be highlighted, with a notification icon appearing on the Staff Noticeboard square when new notices have been added. You will find the Staff Noticeboard in your StoriiCare dashboard. You can learn more about the Staff Noticeboard via our help guide.

StoriiCare Staff Noticeboard

- Places! Add important locations from around the world to your Service Users' or Business Profile via Google Streetview. The places feature is incredibly powerful for reminiscence and a fun activity for Service Users! You can learn more about Places via our help guide.

StoriiCare screenshot: Places Feature

Thank you for all your feedback! We truly appreciate you helping us make StoriiCare the best it can be. If you have any feature ideas, feedback or interest in testing upcoming functionality, please visit our feature request board from your StoriiCare profile or get in touch!

❤ from the StoriiCare Team

Cameron Graham, CEO of StoriiCare
Cameron Graham, Co-Founder & CEO, StoriiCare
A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman