StoriiCare Product Update #18 – June 2020

StoriiCare Product Update #18 – June 2020

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We’ve always believed that the best way to build a brilliant product is by listening to our clients and acting on your feedback. This month, we have added a number of key features and improvements to StoriiCare.

Summary of Updates

  • Storii Family Feed Updates
  • 'Heart' Reactions
  • Participation Tab Updates
  • Service User Personal Account Setup Improvements
  • Dedicated 3rd Party Visits Section
  • Minor Medication Updates
  • Minor text changes in Recent Actions and Family Feed

➡ Storii Family Feed Updates

Family Members and Service Users using the Storii Family App will now have an improved experience, including:

  • Uploaded images by staff, other family members or service users themselves will now show up within the family feed
  • Family members, staff and service users are now able to 'Heart' these images within their feed (see post below)
See and Heart images within the Storii Family feed!
See and Heart images within the Storii Family feed!

➡ 'Heart' Reactions

You can now 'Heart' all posts within the Storii Family Feed, including new Images, Playlist Content, Place Locations and Community Announcements.

The Heart feature brings a new depth to family engagement on Storii. Users can use the Heart action to show acknowledgement and as a reaction to posts. Management now has a new tool to better understand and measure Family Engagement within their community.

'Heart' a Community Announcement on StoriiCare
'Heart' a Community Announcement on StoriiCare

➡ Service User Participation Tab Updates

We received feedback that we could make it clearer when activities are declined by service users on their profiles, so we did! If a service user declines an activity and it is recorded as such, it will appear in red text stating 'DECLINED' within their participation tab. This will also appear for within family members' feeds to ensure there is no confusion as to whether or not their loved one participated.

'Declined' Activity on StoriiCare
'Declined' Activity on StoriiCare

We also added new selection sections within the participation tab that enable you to quickly select a whole month for download/printing purposes.

➡ Service User Personal Account Setup Improvements

Inviting Service Users (residents or participants) to Storii Family just got a whole lot easier. It's now one simple step!

To enable your clients to be able to view their own personal profile, RSVP Community Calendar Events, View Community Announcements, Send messages and connect directly with their loved ones, you will need to give them access to Storii Family. This is the same app Family Members use to access the Storii system. Service Users will need an email address to be able to access Storii Family.

To invite your service users to Storii Family, simply access their profile account settings on StoriiCare and enter their email address into the 'Invite Service User' section. They will then receive a simple link via email which they can use to sign up to view their profile in under 30 seconds.

StoriiCare Service User Account Settings (example service user that has not been invited)
StoriiCare Service User Account Settings (example service user that has not been invited)

➡ Dedicated 3rd Party Visits Section

After receiving valuable feedback we decided to separate out the 3rd Party Visit Notes from the Medical Info. section. Clients with our Pro Tier will now see a new dedicated 'Visit Notes' section within each Service Users Profile. No functionality within the visit notes section has been altered.

StoriiCare Visit Notes Square
StoriiCare Visit Notes Square

➡ Minor Medication Updates

We made minor updates to the Medication section within StoriiCare, including adding the Medication dosage to Medication names/titles across the platform and moving the 'Add Custom' option when adding a new medication to the top of the list.

➡ Minor text changes in Recent Actions and Family Feed

We updated some of the text and terminology used within Recent Actions and the Family Feed to improve readability.

Thank you for all your feedback! We truly appreciate you helping us make StoriiCare the best it can be. If you have any feature ideas, feedback or interest in testing upcoming functionality, please visit our feature request board from your StoriiCare profile or get in touch!

❤ from the StoriiCare Team

Cameron Graham, CEO of StoriiCare
Cameron Graham, Co-Founder & CEO, StoriiCare
A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman