StoriiCare Product Update #16 – May 2020

StoriiCare Product Update #16 – May 2020

Posted on
October 3, 2024
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We’ve always believed that the best way to build a brilliant product is by listening to our clients and acting on your feedback. This month, we have added a number of key features and improvements to StoriiCare.

Summary of Updates

  • Digital Signage app (Fire Stick)
  • Notes updates
  • Calendar updates
  • New Service User trends
  • Group Portal Importing and Activity Management

➡ Digital Signage app

We released a new Digital Signage app that can be found on Google Play and Amazon App Stores. The app can be downloaded via smart tv's and also used on Amazon Fire Sticks.

Empower your adult day care center or senior living community with beautiful displays that are synced in real-time with your StoriiCare calendars.

• Design your display on StoriiCare
• Change color themes
• Upload content on StoriiCare that will instantly display on Digital Signage
• Create slideshows
• Display scheduled activities in real-time
• Digital Calendar automatically boots when the device is turned on

StoriiCare Digital Signage
Find calendar codes within settings of the calendar feature on StoriiCare
Calendar & Photo Slideshow Display
Choose which views show on Digital Signage, including live calendars, image slideshows and split-screen activity/image views.

➡ Notes updates

You can now customize functionality within notes across the StoriiCare platform. Our users loved the 'read by' functionality on our Staff Noticeboard feature so much that we decided to apply this to other areas, such as progress notes. You will now see a number of areas within StoriiCare that allow for note entry will have an orange settings cog (circled below). (Settings access permissions are required to see this cog).

Digital Progress Note

Within these settings, you will be able to choose which functionality is available to staff for different features that use notes. E.g. If you would like to give staff the ability to mark progress notes as "read" you can now enable this within settings.  

Progress Notes Settings Page

We have also improved the filtering tools and loading speed across all notes. You will now also be able to view all note types within the staff handover.

➡ Calendar Updates

Calendar events now state the calendar in which they have been added to.

Example of an Activity Calendar event

➡ New Service User Trends

We've added new trends for Service Users, including participation, engagement and mood. You can find these new trends within the Management Dashboard.

Nursing Home Participation Analytics

➡ Group Portal Importing and Activity Management

Need to import service users, staff or activity lists in bulk? Our new group portal features can do just that. Clients with group portal access will be able to import bulk staff, service users and activity lists instantly.

Import Staff and Service User Lists

Thank you for all your feedback! We truly appreciate you helping us make StoriiCare the best it can be. If you have any feature ideas, feedback or interest in testing upcoming functionality, please visit our feature request board from your StoriiCare profile or get in touch!

❤ from the StoriiCare Team

 Cameron Graham, Co-Founder & CEO, StoriiCare

A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman