StoriiCare Product Update #13 – October 2019

StoriiCare Product Update #13 – October 2019

Posted on
October 3, 2024
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We’ve always believed that the best way to build a brilliant product is by listening to our clients and acting on your feedback. This month, we have added a number of key features and improvements to StoriiCare.

Summary of updates

  • New Service User grid view and dedicated Staff view
  • Social Links
  • Community Announcements
  • Multiple Calendars and Selective Exporting
  • Activity recording workflow improvement

Please note: Depending on your StoriiCare subscription, some of these features may be available but not yet enabled on your StoriiCare account. To enable Social Links and/or Community Announcements, navigate to Business Settings > Features and tick the designated boxes.

➡ New Service User grid view and dedicated Staff view

You can now view even more service user profiles from mobile devices and smaller screens, in addition to accessing profiles without scrolling on the 'People' page. We decided to separate the Staff and Service User's tab for navigation clarity and to allow for more functionality to be added for the staff view over time. Keep an eye out for updates on this!

Service Users List on StoriICare App

➡ Social Links

Display key social pages such as provider Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn Pages in addition to Digital Signage and Newsletter links. Directly display these links via clickable icons on the dashboard for ease of access, ensuring these key channels remain front of mind for staff. To enter the information for your Social Links, navigate to Business Settings > Social Links (bottom of the left-hand column)

StoriiCare Social Links

 ➡ Community Announcements

Community Announcements is our newest addition to our toolkit for engaging with and updating family members. This new feature enables providers to easily update family members on key events and happenings in your care community.

Any announcement posted within this feature will appear for staff in the dashboard and in a rolling feed for family members on their Storii account, offering an inclusive way to keep them informed.

Community Announcements

➡ Multiple Calendars and Selective Exporting

You can now create multiple calendars on StoriiCare! Calendars are defined as either an 'Activity' Calendar or an 'Event' Calendar. We recommend using multiple Activity Calendars in larger communities where, due to size or varying levels of care, multiple activity calendars are preferred. We recommend creating 'Event' Calendars for schedule entries that are not related to activities, e.g. Doctor Appointments or Family Visits.

Please note that when scheduling calendar events, you will now be required to choose which calendar the event will be added to.

With this update, we also improved calendar exporting, providing staff with the ability to choose from which calendar they would like events to be exported from (as PDF, Word or CSV).

➡ Activity recording workflow improvement

We have updated the way staff record activities on StoriiCare. When taking attendance for an activity event, staff can simply tick the individuals that took part without being taken directly to our further details screen to add more information. Now, to add further details such as mood, engagement, declined or service user specific notes you simply select the question mark icon if extra information is required. We have found that this enables teams on StoriiCare to record activities even faster than before, giving you more time to spend with those in your care.

Take Attendance

➡ REMINDER – Request or vote on new features with ease

All StoriiCare clients now have access to our new feature request and bug reporting board. You will find a link to this titled ‘Feature Requests’ at the bottom of every StoriiCare page once you have logged in successfully. From here you can view and vote on pending features, create a new feature request or log a bug you may have encountered on StoriiCare. We believe this transparent move of making some of our development schedule public will encourage our clients to voice their ideas and help StoriiCare be the best it can be!

StoriiCare Feature Request

Thank you for all your feedback! We truly appreciate you helping us make StoriiCare the best it can be. If you have any feature ideas, feedback or interest in testing upcoming functionality, please visit our feature request board from your StoriiCare profile or get in touch!

❤ from the StoriiCare Team

Cameron Graham - StoriiCare
 Cameron Graham, Co-Founder & CEO, StoriiCare
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A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman