Senior Living Holiday Season Checklist

Senior Living Holiday Season Checklist

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Make a List, Check it Twice

Use this checklist to get the most out of StoriiCare’s features in your senior care community during the fun, busy holiday season.

Check Your Activity Calendar Twice

Make sure all your festive events are scheduled on your care community's Activity Calendar. For activities you want families to participate in, make sure to click on the 'Limit Participants' check box followed by the 'Allow family sign up' check box when scheduling an activity. This way, when families are logged into their Storii account, they can RSVP to your event and attend alongside their loved one!

Make Those December Babies Feel Special

Take a peek at who has a birthday around the holidays. People with birthdays in December or early January have had a lifetime of attention stolen away from their special day. Be sure to make a point of celebrating them!

Use Staff Noticeboard and Community Announcements to Stay Organized

There's a lot going on during the holiday season and communication is key. Luckily, StoriiCare provides ways to notify everyone of everything in an instant and track who has read what. Use the Staff Noticeboard to remind your staff about any upcoming parties, team challenges, gift exchanges, etc. Keep resident or service user families up-to-date on special events, reminders and important announcements in the Community Announcements feed.

Deck Out the Holiday Playlist

Ask residents about their favourite holiday tunes. These can be queued up in the Playlists section and played during a social hour or mealtime.

Connect with Families & Visitors

This is a high-traffic month for visitors. If you use Digital Signage, be sure the Public Calendar has up-to-date photos. Make family members feel like a part of their loved one’s life by showing them the Activities he or she has participated in and the Outcomes that have been achieved. Consider asking them to log into their Storii account and add Places, Media and Playlists that may be significant or memorable to their loved one’s profile.

A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman