3 Ways Care Management Software Improves Communication During a Pandemic

3 Ways Care Management Software Improves Communication During a Pandemic

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Care Providers: Improving Communication During a Pandemic

The old adage 'communication is key' rings especially true right now. It seems everyone is looking for clarity, direction and reassurance. Unfortunately, panic is high. Government guidance can be unclear, people's opinions are divided and uncertainty lurks at every corner.

Senior care communities are feeling these tensions and pressures to a greater degree. Senior residential communities are some of the most-affected COVID-19 populations in the world. In the USA and UK, over half of COVID-19 related deaths are occurring in care homes. Much attention rightly goes to praising hospital healthcare staff. However, these statistics show that senior care workers are very much on the frontlines of this pandemic. The deserve that recognition, too.

What can senior care providers do in the midst of this chaos? Worried residents and their families need reassurance. Tireless staff need to know they are supported, appreciated and heard. Care communities need to know that management has a plan and is taking action. Understandably, in times like these, ‘one day at a time’ is the default mentality. It is difficult to focus on the future when the present demands all the attention. However, it is important to be mindful of the following:

The decisions you communicate now, and in the weeks ahead will have one of two outcomes. They will either help or hinder your ability to operate and grow beyond the crisis.

Most senior care communities know that they will eventually need to digitize their care processes. Now might seem like a strange time to do that. But it might actually deliver a much needed message to your team. It signals a proactive message of progress. It can address and alleviate some immediate needs, while showing forethought. And one thing is for sure: care management systems can quickly improve communication.

Here are 3 Ways Care Management Software Improves Communication During a Pandemic:

Mass Communication

StoriiCare’s Staff Noticeboard feature allows care providers to quickly circulate announcements, notices, policy changes, etc. directly from their care management platform. Simply type in an update and hit send. Every member of staff will get a notification and management can view who has read the notice and who hasn’t. Additionally, care staff can use the Community Announcements feature to mass communicate with their clients’ friends and family.

Friends and family can be connected to their loved one’s secure profile through the Storii Family portal. They can receive updates through logging in online. Additionally, they can download the Storii Family app. This is available for free in the GooglePlay Store and App Store. During a crisis, things are constantly shifting and changing. There are frequent updates and amendments to policies. It is important for senior care management to be equipped with adequate communication tools. Care management software saves time by making it simple to instantly update all important stakeholders. 

Private Messaging 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most senior care communities are unable to open their doors to visitors. Senior care staff are doing their best to keep resident families updated on how their loved one is doing. Understandably, families everywhere are concerned about the health and safety of their loved ones in care homes.

However, care homes are dealing with PPE shortages, financial burdens, staffing issues, low morale amongst residents and staff, outbreaks that lead to significant illness, hospitalisation and death. Fielding a constant stream of phone calls can add to the stress and pressure staff are facing. With StoriiCare, family members can be directed to send a private message rather than call, wherever possible. This will cut down on the time spent on phones. Moreover, it enables staff to respond at the most appropriate time for them. It can be helpful to put certain staff members in charge of responding to family inquiries. Does a family message need a response right away? Staff can call directly from the platform if using a tablet or mobile device. 

Clear Delegation

The workplace doesn’t have to feel like sheer and utter chaos during this pandemic. Clearly delegate tasks and communicate who is responsible for what. This provides much needed structure when the environment feels unsettled. When staff members show up to work, they can view their task list and know exactly what they are responsible for. You can easily edit and change tasks in live-time across the platform if an emergency comes up. Additionally, quick touch options make scheduling, completing and updating task notes easy and efficient. Consequently, this level of clarity can lead to increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and time saved.

Is StoriiCare Right for You?

StoriiCare is a care management software provider. Our software is designed to be modern and user-friendly. Our clients are care providers of all types and sizes. We'd love to hear about your business and show you around our system. Click here to schedule a quick demo with one of our team members.

A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman