Behind the Scenes of Our Cinema Ad!

Behind the Scenes of Our Cinema Ad!

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We are excited to announce that our first ever ad is now on the big screen in cinemas across Scotland! Here is how we made it happen...

Behind The Scenes

We assigned Andrew, a member of the Storii team, as our designated photographer for a two-day photo shoot at Buchanan Galleries in Glasgow. Our team chatted to over 200 people asking them about their life story, focusing on how they want to be remembered. We heard some heart touching stories and after collecting all of our responses we picked out our favourites which have been featured in the ad.

What's The Campaign About?

Storii is a free app enabling users to store unlimited media content in one simple place. Storii can be used to connect with family, friends and also loved ones in care homes that use our care platform StoriiCare. If you want to find out more about StoriiCare click here.

The aim of our video campaign was to show that each person has their own story that's unique to them and that everyone wants to be remembered for something.

free life story app
free life story app

The Finished Result

A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman