Person-centered care: How can it be applied to adult day programs?

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When we think of adult day programs, we often focus on the activities and services they provide to the participants—good food, socializing, health screenings, and other activities that keep seniors healthy and active. But did you know that adult day programs also provide person-centered care?

Person-Centered Care as an overall approach

The most important part of person-centered care is giving each client the chance to exercise as much control over their own lives as possible. This means thinking about what the individual wants and trying to accommodate those needs and preferences whenever possible.

Another major aspect of person-centered care is building trust between the staff and clients, making sure each individual feels respected, safe, and loved. And finally, treating everyone with dignity by focusing on the positives rather than the negatives in an individual's life.

Person-Centered Care in Adult Day Programs

Adult day centers are facilities that provide rehabilitative and support services for seniors who live at home and need assistance with their daily living needs. The directors and staff of these centers work hard to create a friendly, caring environment where seniors can feel safe and happy during the hours they are there. Providing individualized attention while also taking into account residents' preferences is crucial in developing a person-centered environment. Activities should be fun, but also include creative pursuits like painting or crafts so that your elders don't get bored.

One of the primary goals of PCC is personalizing attention for the individual. Caregivers in an adult day program should work closely with their assigned individuals and personalize the activities, conversation topics, and choices available at the facility. Understanding needs - Caregivers should do everything they can to understand an individual's needs. Providing opportunities for meaningful interactions between friends and family - A person's social circle should never shrink.

The Benefits of Applying PCC

Applying person-centered care helps the staff, supervisors, volunteers, and the members of the community that supports an adult day program. This helps create a better atmosphere and relationship with each other so they are happier at work. It also reduces confusion on what is best for a member’s individual needs which leads to more productivity and fewer mistakes made. Being patient with people will make them feel more secure in their lives because people who are cared for are more likely to recover from conditions like dementia.

How To Apply PCC

We've outlined five principles for how to implement person-centered practices in adult daycare settings.

  1. Invite every person who comes into contact with your program into a dialog about how you should relate to them. You might say something like, When I see people come through the door, I usually greet them by name. What would you prefer me to do when I see you today? Do you want me to shake your hand or just give you a hug? Do you want me to ask how things are going or tell stories about what we’ve been doing this week? Engaging in conversation about personal preferences helps individuals feel respected and understood. 
  2. Ask the person what they need from staff or other members of the community.
  3. Listen to their responses.
  4. Respond respectfully and follow through on any commitments made. 
  5. Show respect for all human beings by honoring individual choices and treating everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of ability or disability.
A home health worker shares a tablet with an elderly woman