StoriiCare Product Update #44 – December 2022

StoriiCare Product Update #44 – December 2022

Publicado el
April 10, 2024
Navegación rápida

Summary of Updates

  • Activities Outcome Selector
  • Quickbooks Export
  • Subtasks Updates
  • Calendar Activity Filters
  • Smaller Key Updates
  • StoriiCare Top Tips

'Tis the season! As 2022 comes to a close, we want to take a moment and thank you for your continued partnership. It's been a privilege supporting our clients this year and we can't wait to see what 2023 brings!

➡ Activities Outcome Selector

We are excited to announce the addition of outcomes selecting within activities! With this new feature, users can now link activity data to Service User's outcome. This will allow users to automatically store varying progress towards outcomes through the different activities an individual takes part in. (E.g. An Armchair aerobics activity being linked to an Outcome for 'Improving mobility'.

StoriiCare screenshot: Linking an Outcome to an activity when taking attendance
Linking an Outcome to an activity when taking attendance

Linked activity data will be visible within Outcomes, and the Outcomes within the recorded activity. The linked outcomes will also show within any PDF or CSV Exports.

StoriiCare screenshot: Example Outcomes showing within an activity record
Outcomes showing within an activity record (specific to each service user)

We hope that with this new feature, staff will able to save time and track outcomes & goals more effectively. We hope you enjoy this new addition to the platform and look forward to hearing your feedback.

➡ Quickbooks CSV Export

Following on from the release of our Attendance Table Export and Services feature, we have released an export for uploading invoices to Quickbooks accounting software (Online). This export is accessible within the Attendance Table Export when you are exporting Register Data or Schedule Data against any Services (Ensure the 'Calculate Services' toggle is on).

StoriiCare screenshot: Quickbooks Export
Quickbooks Export

Click 'Show QuickBooks settings' to show the options to change the number Invoices start from, and whether invoices are aggregated per day, per entry or total per user.

StoriiCare screenshot: Quickbooks Export Settings
Quickbooks Export Settings

If you would like to book a training call to help you set up yourQuickbooks CSV exports, you can do so via our Support page.

➡ Subtasks Updates

To improve the visibility of subtasks and better separate each one, we've added a border around each subtask and increased the clickable area to open the view for completing a subtask action (if one has been set).

StoriiCare screenshot: Task Subtask View
Task Subtask View

When all subtasks within a task are marked as checked, the overall task will now automatically be marked as 'completed' - completing your tasks now requires one less click!

StoriiCare screenshot: Auto Task Completion on Subtask Completion
Auto Task Completion on Subtask Completion

➡ Calendar Activity Filters

Have you ever wanted to check to see if a specific activity has been scheduled for the month? Now you can our new Calendar Activity Filters! We have implemented two new filters within the calendar AND the Management 'Completed Activities' view; Filter by 'Activity Types' and Filter by 'Activity Locations'. Now, whether you are planning activities for the month on the calendar or exporting past activities data via the Completed activities view, you'll be able to quickly filter by the specific activity type or location required.

StoriiCare screenshot: Calendar Activity Filters
Calendar Activity Filters

➡ Smaller Key Updates

  • Timeline CSV Export - All timeline (and by proxy Handover) data can now be exported as a PDF or CSV.
  • CSV Exports Update - Both Tasks and Face Sheet/Overview CSV Exports now include an improved sortable date format in addition to separate columns for Service Users first name and last names
  • Data by Day Export - This export now includes the total time an individual has spent on site relative to the Register. We provide two types of total columns; hours and minutes.
  • Bug Fixes - We've carried out a number of key bug fixes and speed improvements this month. Thank you to all clients that have reported any issues we may have not automatically detected!

➡ StoriiCare Top Tips

As the StoriiCare product suite expands, we want to take time in each Product Update to revisit existing features to remind clients of the value they offer. See this month's Top Tips below:

- Digital Signage! Empower your adult day care center or senior living community with beautiful displays that are synced in real-time with your StoriiCare calendars. Our Digital Signage app can be downloaded via smart tv's and also used on Amazon Fire Sticks. You can learn more about this feature via our help guide.

StoriiCare Digital Signage
StoriiCare Digital Signage

- Trends! You will find the trends feature within the Management Dashboard. Use trends to view key metrics regarding your Service Users staff or business as a whole within set time periods. Select the 'chart' dropdown to view our range of metrics. You can learn more about Trends via our help guide.

StoriiCare screenshot: Trends Feature

Thank you for all your feedback! We truly appreciate you helping us make StoriiCare the best it can be. If you have any feature ideas, feedback or interest in testing upcoming functionality, please visit our feature request board from your StoriiCare profile or get in touch!

❤ from the StoriiCare Team

Cameron Graham, CEO of StoriiCare
Cameron Graham, Co-Founder & CEO, StoriiCare